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Penelope Windpipes: Learns the Power of Staying Calm

February 14, 2020

Penelope Windpipes is one noisy little girl! In fact, she is so loud that she startles her whole neighborhood. She even scares away other children and animals. But when Penelope loses her voice, she begins to notice all sorts of things her commotion had kept from her. And as she learns the power of staying calm and listening, Penelope discovers that the world is a pretty wonderful place.

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Cover - Front.jpg

Penelope Windpipes contains an important life lesson on the benefits of children controlling their tempers.

With its important life lesson on the benefits of controlling your temper, Penelope Windpipes is an effective educational vehicle. Not only does the story show the benefits of keeping a cool head, it also acknowledges that there will be bad days, too, when staying calm seems almost hopeless. Sometimes accidents happen, it assures its audience, but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to get back on track.

Penelope Windpipes is a provocative picture book about cultivating self-control which suggests that anger causes children to miss out on much.


Foreword Review (Clarion) 

Full review: link, PDF



The story is entertaining, cohesive, and peppered with clever details that parents will appreciate. (When Penelope finally stops screaming, she hears lovely sounds she never noticed before: a toad croaking, birds chirping, “her dad singing offkey in the shower—which made her giggle,” and “strange lullaby music coming from down the street.”) And the narrative contains a powerful message: Children are in charge of their own emotions and reactions, and it’s possible to change the way they deal with stressful situations.

With its likeable but flawed protagonist and hopeful message, Penelope Windpipes is an appealing choice for all families and particularly those regularly dealing with temper tantrums.


BlueInk Review

Full review: link, PDF



"Parents with tantrum-prone youngsters may find a useful tool in this lesson-heavy tale."


"Penelope’s tantrums are bad for everyone, and being tranquil instead of boisterous allows others to see how kind she is. The dichotomy leaves no room for behavior in the middle: Even when playing, Penelope accepts that 'superheroes never scream and cry.' There’s also an unfortunate correlation between Penelope’s love of princesses and her poor behavior while her “tomboy” friend demonstrates good habits. In addition, Penelope’s brother is never scolded for egging her on. Still, parents with unruly children may find helpful tips here. And Vasconcelos’ kid-friendly cartoon illustrations use plenty of pastels to create detailed backgrounds and depict a diverse neighborhood."


Kirkus Review

Full review: link, PDF


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©2020 by Heather S Lonczak, PhD - Psychologist, Book Author

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