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The books are printed by Ingram from one of the following locations: Breinigsville (Pennsylvania, US), Fairfield (Ohio, US), Fresno (California, US), Milton Keynes (England) or Melbourne (Australia).


The Fragility of Light

March 2, 2023

Introducing "The Fragility of Light," Heather S. Lonczak's debut novel—a poignant exploration of mental health, resilience, and the enduring power of familial bonds. Sunny Zielinski is a beautiful and talented young woman with a promising future. A recent college graduate, Sunny has landed her dream job as a book editor and is soon to be married. Her close-knit family is her strength, particularly her fiercely loving grandparents—Holocaust survivors who helped to raise her. Following two major losses, Sunny finds herself becoming unhinged. When she experiences her first psychotic break, she is plunged into a place of profound fear and confusion. As her delusions, hallucinations, and mood symptoms take over, Sunny traverses a harrowing journey into the depths of madness. Underlying her despair is the devastating delusion that she is being hunted by the Nazis. As Sunny attempts to navigate her symptoms, she vacillates between understanding that she has a mental illness and being convinced that the doctors are conspiring against her. Adding to the narrative are Sunny’s relationships with her devoted family, her nebulous history with her mother, and the colorful and often tragic patients she meets along the way. Ultimately, love, determination, and hope emerge as salient aspects of Sunny’s recovery as she struggles to find her way out of the darkness.

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Mookey the Monkey: Gets Over Being Teased

Spring, 2021

There here once lived a monkey named 'Mookey' who was born without a single hair on his body. No fur, no fleece, not even a hint of fuzz. Mookey's family thought his silky skin was beautiful and made him colorful clothes to keep him warm. But when Mookey started school, he quickly learned how it feels to be teased. His classmates had never seen a monkey without hair. They pointed, stared, and called him 'Baldy.' Mookey began to feel bad about himself and set-out to change his hairless skin. After trying all sorts of things, Mookey decides to listen to the wise animals throughout the jungle. They teach him all sorts of terrific tools to use when teased. As Mookey applies his new skills, the teasers lose interest and Mookey gains a sense of empowerment. Ultimately, Mookey learns to love himself just the way he is.

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Paddy Poopenhopper: A Tale of Kindness and Gratitude

March 19, 2021

Paddy Poopenhopper's Magic Turds' is an inspiring tale that illuminates the endless ripple effects of kindness. In the quiet town of Goobersvile, legend has it that Paddy Poopenhopper has magic turds that turn to gold. One year, when misfortune hits the town, Paddy's most loyal believer-little 'Gracie Boone'-decides to help her neighbors by finding the magic turds herself. Gracie is overjoyed to discover a giant WOOSH of white fluff and a pile of the biggest turds she's ever seen! After she carefully plants and tends to the turds, they miraculously sprout stunning purple flowers with golden nuggets-which Gracie gives to a family in need. Gracie's kindness sets off a flurry of activity in the town-including a mix of generosity and greed. Oddly, sometimes Paddy's turds don't grow into anything at all. But only Paddy Poopenhopper knows the real secret, which is that his turds will only flourish when cared for with love and given away with a pure heart. And without gratitude, the gold will simply crumble into dust. With its colorful and hilarious illustrations, 'Paddy Poopenhopper' will have children laughing out loud while believing in the magical power of love.

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The Fig Tree: A Lesson in Gratitude

February 16, 2021

'The Fig Tree' is a story about a little girl, Lydia, and her grandfather-who elegantly imparts a message of gratitude using the example of the backyard fig tree: 'Ms. Figgy.' As she returns home from a hard day at school, Lydia seeks the solace of her grandpa who is resting beneath the tree. Once she recounts the events of her day, Lydia's grandfather describes how he cares for the tree-likening its need for TLC to that provided to Lydia by her parents. As she listens, Lydia begins to forget about her own worries and instead takes notice of how Ms. Figgy has nurtured all sorts of critters with food and shelter throughout each season. And, with Grandpa's help, Lydia also reflects upon the many ways in which the tree has enhanced her own life since she was a baby. By illuminating the strength and majesty of the tree, Lydia begins to see it as so much more than just a tree. With its stunning illustrations, 'The Fig Tree' gives a young girl a new perspective on an old tree she had taken for granted; instead, seeing it through a lens of gratitude and wonder. Children will enjoy the artist's attention to detail while gaining an appreciation for nature, as well as the touching relationship between Lydia and her grandpa.

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Mighty Zoë: The Misunderstood Parrot

July 16, 2020

'Mighty Zoë' is a true story about a green-cheeked conure named 'Zoë.' One day, Zoë is adopted by a loving family who becomes quickly bonded to her. Over time, the family realizes that Zoë considers herself MIGHTY and IN CHARGE-regardless of her tiny size. She also has many strong opinions and demands that she isn't afraid to share! But, like many animal species, Zoë often finds herself misunderstood by people. Using colorful sound effects and thought bubbles, this story provides readers with special insight into the mind of a conure. And when a new guy joins the family, the humans also learn that it will be up to Zoë to decide whether he may join her flock. With its vibrant illustrations and hilarious text, 'Mighty Zoë' provides readers with plenty of laughter as they learn all about these bossy, silly and deeply loving little parrots.

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Penelope Windpipes: Learns the Power of Staying Calm

February 14, 2020

Penelope Windpipes is one noisy little girl! In fact, she is so loud that she startles her whole neighborhood. She even scares away other children and animals. But when Penelope loses her voice, she begins to notice all sorts of things her commotion had kept from her. And as she learns the power of staying calm and listening, Penelope discovers that the world is a pretty wonderful place.

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Fletcher and the Fledgling

February 1, 2020

'Fletcher and the Fledgling' is a story about a little boy, Fletcher, who is thrilled to be finally riding his bicycle without training wheels. As his family gathers around, they notice that the neighborhood crows are awfully excited too. Although Fletcher is ready for his big ride, his parents must first ensure that everything is safe. A large crow family nearby appears to be doing much the same for their own fledgling. Fletcher is overjoyed as he realizes he's soaring all by himself—a sensation that seems to be shared by a baby crow floating over his head. 'Fletcher and the Fledgling' provides readers a glimpse of how family love, support and protectiveness transcend the human species to include those most glorious and brilliant creatures we call 'crows.'

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Gus Becomes a Big Brother: An Adoption Story

November 1, 2019

‘Gus Becomes a Big Brother’ is a heartwarming adoption story, with special emphasis on how an older sibling, Gus, deals with the anticipation, preparation, and experience of becoming a big brother. As the Barker family embarks on their adoption journey, Gus navigates his way through many difficult emotions; such as anxiety, frustration and jealousy. But with the support and guidance of his parents; Gus ultimately develops patience, empathy, compassion, and a ton of brotherly love. Authored by an adoptive mother and psychologist, this book contains many valuable insights for parents involved in domestic or international adoption. It is also applicable to diverse families, such as the Barkers— who successfully worked together to overcome challenges, while celebrating each other’s differences. Overall, the story reveals a deeply connected adoptive family that is bound by love, acceptance and understanding.

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Henry's Ride

May 1, 2006

As Henry rides along in a stroller, he takes-in the buzz of activity around him, all the while being comforted by the constant "Pitterpat" of his mother's footsteps. Join Henry on his lovely little journey and experience a jog from a baby's perspective!

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Mookey the Monkey Gets over Being Teased

September 1, 2006

Teased by his classmates because he is hairless, Mookey the monkey discovers there are many ways to handle teasing and still remain true to oneself.

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My Friend Gideon

August 1, 2019

In 'My Friend Gideon,' a little girl named 'Becky' dreams of having a pet of her very own. When visiting a beautiful park, Becky decides to adopt a lively little frog. She names the frog 'Gideon' and tries to create the perfect habitat for him. As she considers what Gideon really needs to flourish, Becky learns many valuable lessons about empathy and respect for wildlife. In this poetic and brilliantly illustrated book, children will be both touched and entertained as they join Becky in discovering the true meaning of friendship.

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©2020 by Heather S Lonczak, PhD - Psychologist, Book Author

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