About Me
Meet Heather S Lonczak, PhD Author

Heather S. Lonczak, Ph.D., is an Educational Psychologist, writer and poet who has published a number of scholarly articles primarily aimed at positive youth development and the reduction of health disparities. She also has published five works of fiction for children - the first of which is designed to empower kids with tools to deal with being teased. Given Dr. Lonczak's great love of animals and wildlife, many of her creative works are aimed at increasing empathy towards different animal species. Dr. Lonczak lives in Seattle with her family.
Children's Books
Lonczak, H. (2006). Henry's Ride. Seattle. Ivy Lane Press.
Lonczak, H. (2007). Mookey the Monkey Gets Over Being Teased. Washington, D.C.: Magination Press.
Lonczak, H. (2019). My Friend Gideon. Seattle.
Lonczak, H. (2019). Gus Becomes a Big Brother: An Adoption Story. Seattle.
Lonczak, H. (2020). Fletcher and the Fledgling. Seattle.
Lonczak, H. (2020). Penelope Windpipes: Learns the Power of Staying Calm. Seattle.
Scholarly Articles
Lonczak, H.S., Thomas, L.R., Donovan, D.M., Austin, L., Sigo, R. L.W., Lawrence, N., & the Suquamish Tribe (2013). Navigating the tide together: Early collaboration between tribal and academic partners in a CBPR study. Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Indigenous & Aboriginal Community Health, 11(3), 395-409.
Lonczak, H.S., Fernandez, A., Austin, L., & Marlatt, G.A. (2007). Family structure and substance use among American Indian youth. Family Systems & Health, 25(1), 10-22.
Lonczak, H.S., Neighbors, D., & Donovan, D.M. (2007). Predicting risky and angry driving as a function of gender. Accident, Analysis & Prevention, 39(3), 536-545.
Lonczak, H.S, Clifasefi, S., Marlatt, G.A., & Blume, A. (2006). Religious coping and psychological functioning in a correctional population. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 9(2), 171-192.
Lonczak, H.S., Abbott, R.D., Hawkins, J.D., & Catalano, R.F. (2002). Effects of the Seattle Social Development Project on sexual behavior, pregnancy, birth, and STD outcomes by age 21. Archives of Pediatric Medicine, 156(5), 438-47.
Lonczak, H.S., Huang, B., Catalano, R.F., Hawkins, J.D., Hill, K.G., Abbott, R.D., & Ryan, J.A.M. (1999). The social predictors of adolescent alcohol misuse: A test of the Social Development Model. Journal of Studies in Alcohol, 62(2), 179-89.
Collins, S.E., Lonczak, H.S., & Clifasefi, S.L. (2017). Seattle's Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) Program: Effects on recidivism outcomes. Evaluation and Program Planning, 64, 49-56.
Clifasefi, S.L., Lonczak, H.S., Collins, S.E. (2017). Seattle’s Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) Program: Within-subjects changes on housing, employment and income/benefits outcomes and associations with recidivism. Crime & Delinquency, 63, 429–445.
Collins, S., Nyrop, K., Clifasefi, S., Lonczak, H., & Daugaard, L. (2016). Seattle’s Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) Program. The Police Chief, August, 36–40.
Dononvan, D. M., Thomas, L. R., Sigo, R. L. W., Price, L., Lonczak, H., Lawrence, N., Ahvakana, K., Austin, L., Lawrence, A., Price, J., Purser, A., & Bagley, L. (2015). Healing of the Canoe: Preliminary results of a culturally tailored intervention to prevent substance abuse and promote tribal identity for Native youth in two Pacific Northwest tribes. American Indian & Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 22(1), 42-76.
Larimer, M.E., Malone, D.K., Garner, M.J., Atkins, D.C., Burlingham, B., Lonczak, H.S., Tanzer, K., Ginzler, J., Clifasefi, S.L., Hobson, W.G., & Marlatt, G.A., (2009). Health care and public service use and costs before and after provision of housing for chronically homeless persons with severe alcohol problems. Journal of the American Medical Association, 301(13).
Osilla, K. K., Lonczak, H. S., Mail, P. D., Larimer, M. E. & Marlatt, G. A. (2008). Regular tobacco use among American Indian and Alaska Native Adolescents: An examination of protective mechanisms. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 6, 143-153.
Catalano, R., Berglund, M., Ryan, J., Lonczak, H., & Hawkins, J. (2004). Positive youth development in the United States: research findings on evaluations of positive youth development programs. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 591, 98-124.
Marlatt, G.A., Witkiewitz, K., Dillworth, T., Bowen, S.W., Parks, G., Macpherson, L.M., Lonczak, H., Larimer, M.E., Simpson, T., Blume, A.W., & Crutcher, R. (2004). Vipassana meditation as a treatment for alcohol and drug use disorders. In S.C. Hayes, V.M. Follette, & M.M. Linehan (Eds.), Mindfulness & Acceptance: Expanding the cognitive-behavioral tradition. NY: Guilford Press.
Marlatt, G., Larimer, M., Mail, P., Hawkins, E., Cummins, L., Blume, A., & Lonczak, H., Burns, K., Chan, K., Cronce, J., La Marr, J., Radin, S., Forquera, R., Gonzales, R., Tetrick, C., & Gallion, S. (2003). Journeys of the Circle: A culturally congruent life skills intervention for adolescent Indian drinking. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 27, 1-3.
Parks, G., Marlatt, G.A., Witkiewitz, K., Dillworth, T., Bowen, S., Larimer, M., Blume, A., Simpson, T., Lonczak, H., Cronce, J., MacPherson, L., Murphy, D., & Meijer, L. (2003). The University of Washington Vipassana Meditation Research Project at the North Rehabilitation Facility. American Jails Magazine, July/August.
Collins, S.E., Malone, D.K., Clifasefi, S.L., Ginzler, J.A. Garner, M.D., Burlingham, B., Lonczak, H.S., Dana, E.A., Kirouac, M., Tanzer, K., Hobson, W.G., Marlatt, G.A., & Larimer, M.E. (2002). Project-based housing first for chronically homeless individuals with alcohol problems: Within-subjects analyses of 2-year alcohol trajectories. American Journal of Public Health, 102(3), 511-519.
Hawkins, J.D, Lonczak, H.S., Abbott, R.D., Kosterman, R., & Catalano, R.F. (2002). Overstating the behavioral effects of the Seattle Social Development Project. Archives of Pediatric Medicine, 156(11), 1155-1156.
Haggerty, K.P., Fleming, C.B., Lonczak, H.S, Oxford, M.L., Harachi, T.W., & Catalano, R.F. (2002). Predictors of participation in parenting workshops. Journal of Primary-Prevention, 22(4), 375-387.
James W., Lonczak H., & Moore D. (1996). The role of denial and defensiveness in drug use among adolescents. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 2, 17-41.
Strakowski S., Lonczak H., Crist A., Mehta R., & Thienhaus O. (1995). The Effects of race on diagnosis and disposition from a psychiatric emergency service. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 56, 1001-107.
Strakowski S., Keck P., McElroy S., Lonczak H., & West S. (1995). Chronology of principal and comorbid in first-episode psychosis. Biological Psychiatry, 35, 623-624.
McElroy S., Strakowski S., Keck P., Tugral K., West S., & Lonczak H. (1995). Differences and similarities in mixed and pure mania. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 36, 187-194.
Keck P., Bennet J., McElroy S., Strakowski S., Tugral K., & Lonczak H. (1993). Low prevalence of antithyriod antibodies and hypothyriodism in patients with mania. Nueropsychopharmacology, 2, S109-S110.
Blog Articles
Lonczak, H. (2019). 30+ Tips for Building Resilience in Children.
Lonczak, H. (2019). Reasons Why Compassion Is So Important in Psychology.
Lonczak, H. (2019). What is Positive Parenting? A Look at the Research and Benefits.
Lonczak, H. (2019). 100+ Positive Parenting Tips, Skills and Techniques.
Lonczak, H. (2019). 8 Best Positive Parenting Books & Workbooks for Parents.
Lonczak, H. (2019). Positive Reinforcement in the Workplace (90+ Examples & Reward Ideas).
Lonczak, H. (2019). 40+ Benefits of Self-Control and Self-Discipline.
Lonczak, H. (2019). Anxiety Therapy: Types, Techniques and Worksheets.
Lonczak, H. (2019). How to Measure Flow with Scales and Questionnaires.
Lonczak, H. (2020). The Prevalence of Anxiety Symptoms & the 6 Most Common Anxiety Disorders.
Lonczak, H. (2020).The Best Therapy Approaches for Anxiety Disorders.